create Spotify group playlists with friends inside Messenger it's possible now

The new refresh to the Spotify augmentation in Facebook Messenger gives you a chance to make and assemble amass playlists with others appropriate inside the application without the need to open Spotify.

Spotify is refreshing its augmentation inside Facebook Messenger, and now, you can make Group Playlists inside the chatting application to share and team up with your companions. Basically tap the plus symbol, open Spotify, and select "Create group playlist." Whether you have a Spotify account or not, you will have the capacity to add tunes to the rundown without leaving the Messenger application. 

The refresh is taking off to the expansion, not the Facebook Messenger application, so you don't have to refresh the application itself. You would find be able to additional about it on Spotify's legitimate blog or by talking to the Spotify Messenger bot.
